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Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study Release 4

From the ABCD Study's "About" webpage:

The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study® is the largest long-term study of brain development and child health in the United States. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded leading researchers in the fields of adolescent development and neuroscience to conduct this ambitious project. The ABCD Research Consortium consists of a Coordinating Center, a Data Analysis, Informatics & Resource Center, and 21 research sites across the country (see map), which have invited 11,880 children ages 9-10 to join the study. Researchers will track their biological and behavioral development through adolescence into young adulthood.

Steps already done to produce the preliminary data dictionaries saved here

  1. Went to the NIMH Data Archive (NDA) website.
  2. Downloaded all the NDA's ABCD Release 4.0 Tabulated Data structure definitions to the nda_data_structure_definitions subfolder.
  3. Committed them into version control here.
  4. "Manually" edited some of the NDA data structure definition CSVs, as necessary, to match the intent of each question.
  5. Committed the edits into version control here.

Steps to produce this study's data dictionaries

  1. Install the required Python 3 library with the following line of code:

    shell python3 -m pip install --user pandas

  2. Run the following line of code within the ABCD/ subfolder:

    shell python3

  3. Note: Many print statements will pop up, but these have all been reviewed manually and addressed programmatically, as necessary, in parts of the script.

Steps to convert this study's data files from TXT to TSV format files

  1. Download ABCD Release 4.0 Tabulated data package through the NIMH Data Archive's (NDA) ABCD Study page.
  2. Place the downloaded data in a new subdirectory called data/ within the ABCD/ subdirectory of this repository.
  3. Run from the ABCD/ directory to convert the data files in .txt format to BIDS recommended .tsv format. bash python

Notes about these data dictionaries

  1. Though DataType is not a BIDS-valid field in the sidecar JSON, it has been included for reference.
  2. Likewise ValueRange has been included though it is not BIDS-valid.
  3. The Description is also pipe-separated (this | character) with the Notes, when Notes are present.