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United Kingdom Biobank (UKB)

From the UK Biobank "About Us" page:

UK Biobank is a large-scale biomedical database and research resource, containing in-depth genetic and health information from half a million UK participants. The database, which is regularly augmented with additional data, is globally accessible to approved researchers and scientists undertaking vital research into the most common and life-threatening diseases. UK Biobank’s research resource is a major contributor to the advancement of modern medicine and treatment and has enabled several scientific discoveries that improve human health.

Steps to produce this study's data dictionary

  1. Install the required Python 3 library with the following line of code:

    shell python3 -m pip install --user pandas

  2. Go to the UK Biobank data access guide page.

  3. Click the Download data dictionary - tsv format link and place the download into the UKB/ subfolder.
  4. Do not rename the above file from its originally downloaded name.
  5. Go to the MRCIEU/PHESANT repository's release "v1.1" on GitHub
  6. Download the Source code (zip) asset and unzip the into the UKB/ subfolder so it looks like this:

    shell UKB/ ├── Data_Dictionary_Showcase.tsv ├── ├── PHESANT-1.1/ │   ├── biobank-PHESANT-figure.pdf │   ├── LICENCE │   ├── PHESANT-counter-codes.pdf │   ├── │   ├── PHESANT-viz/ │   ├── │   ├── resultsProcessing/ │   ├── testWAS/ │   ├── ukb_data_codes/ │   ├── variable-info/ │   └── WAS/ └──

  7. Run the following line of code within the UKB/ subfolder:

    shell python3

Notes about this data dictionary

The BIDS LongName is composed of the pipe-separated (a pipe is this | character) list of the path and category to uniquely identify each. ValueType has been inserted directly from the Data_Dictionary_Showcase.tsv and is not actually a normal BIDS sidecar metadata JSON field. Units have been added as-is from the Data_Dictionary_Showcase.tsv. This design choice was to save time from having to find each individual BIDS-proper unit.