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Nathan Kline Institute (NKI) Rockland Sample

From the Enhanced Nathan Kline Institute - Rockland Sample website:

The enhanced Nathan Kline Institute-Rockland Sample (NKI-RS) is an ongoing, institutionally centered endeavor aimed at creating a large-scale (N > 1000) community sample of participants across the lifespan. Measures include a wide array of physiological and psychological assessments, genetic information, and advanced neuroimaging. Anonymized data will be publicly shared openly and prospectively (i.e., on a quarterly basis).

Steps to produce this study's data dictionaries

  1. Make sure you have MATLAB installed (this code was written using R2022b).
  2. Download the zip of the Assessment Documentation without renaming the ZIP file.
  3. Unzip the into the NKI/ subfolder. It should produce a subfolder named assessments_documentation/.
  4. Run the make_dictionaries.m script as a MATLAB script from within this folder.


  • This work in progress is not yet complete and will produce non-BIDS-valid JSON data dictionaries of the format:

    json "ACDS_01": { "QuestionLabel": "CARELESS/SLOPPY", "QuestionDescription": "Childhood ADHD Symptoms: Prior to Age 7", "ResponseLabel": [ "NO", "YES", "Don't Know", "Missing Data" ], "ResponseValue": [ 0, 1, null, null ] },

  • JSONs will output into a phenotype/ subdirectory.

  • A Python code refactoring plan is in Issue #22.